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26 search results for Building material testing
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Building material testing
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12489 Berlin, Germany
20-49 employees
Building material testingConstruction materialsEngineering measurementEnvironmental protection
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BARG Betontechnik und -instandsetzungs GmbH & Co. KG
12487 Berlin, Germany
50-99 employees
Building material testingCivil engineeringCoating worksConcrete repairConcrete worksFire protectionJointing workRemediation worksStructural engineering
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Bauservice Jurisch
01662 Meißen, Germany
5-9 employees
BricklayingBuilding material testingBulk materialsCanal constructionConcrete cuttingConcrete worksConstruction cleaning workConstruction materialsDemolition worksDewateringDoors and gatesDrainage worksDredgingDry constructionEarthworksEnvironmental protectionETICSGeotechnical investigationsInsulationPlasteringPrecast concreteReady-mixed concreteReinforcementRemediation worksSealing worksShellStructural engineeringTraffic safetyUnderground constructionWindows
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Chemisch-Technisches Laboratorium Luers GmbH & Co. KG
28237 Bremen, Germany
20-49 employees
Building material testingConstruction materials
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CLG Chemisches Labor Dr. Graser KG
97453 Schonungen, Germany
Building material testingEmployment protection consultationEnvironmental protection
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DEKRA Automobil GmbH
70565 Stu, Germany
500+ employees
Biogas technologyBuilding material testingCivil engineeringElevatorsEmployment protection consultationEnvironmental engineeringEnvironmental protectionFire protectionHealth and safety coordinationLightning protectionPhotovoltaicsSafety technology
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DG Ingenieure
97072 Würzburg, Germany
5-9 employees
Architectural servicesArchitecture and planning servicesBuilding material testingConstruction managementEmployment protection consultationEnergy consultingEngineering and specialised planning servicesFire protection planningHealth and safety coordinationPlanning services all project phasesProject planningProjectcontrollingStructural Engineering
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Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Findeis Betonbohrservice GmbH
90455 Nürnberg, Germany
20-49 employees
Building material testingConcrete cuttingConcrete worksCore drillingsDemolition worksDrilling
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Erdbaulaboratorium Dresden GmbH Ingenieurbüro für Geotechnik und Umwelt
01477 Arnsdorf, Germany
5-9 employees
Building material testingEngineering and specialised planning servicesGeotechnical investigations
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Eurofins Umwelt Nord GmbH
26125 Oldenburg, Germany
Building material testingConstruction materialsDewateringEarthworksEnvironmental protectionExploratory drillingGeotechnical investigationsVentilation
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